The Healing Lady’s Mantle Provides


The most beautiful patch of you I have ever seen is in the mountain gardens of my dear friends John and Diane. There, you receive partial shade and lots of moisture, growing along reflection pools in dark, rich soil. We can propagate you from seed or root division. The biggest mistakes I see people making when they try to grow you is planting you in full sunlight and not giving you enough water. You are from Greenland and still associated with the Goddess Freya. You are a North Plant, culturally based in old European traditions, and will not grow into your full potential in most of the Southern Hemisphere.

For some, you are simply grown as an ornamental but that is a shame, as the amount of medicine you have to freely offer is bountiful! For one, you contain salicylic acid, a potent organic compound and plant hormone that decreases inflammation and encourages cell regeneration. Your root is a coagulant. Your whole plant you give to us medicinally!