Pretty Please + Dr. Yarrow

Little blurb:

“Hey, mom, can I have some grape juice?”

“What’s the password, dear?”

“Pretty please.”

“Yes you may.”

Anybody reading this remember when the only password you knew and needed was “Pretty Please?”

Nowadays, creating and entering usernames, passwords, authentication codes, security question answers, taking “verification you are human” tests and checking “I am not a robot” boxes fill our days with de-humanizing inquiries that half the time we cannot even answer correctly! Who in the world could keep track of all the answers and so we spend another part of our lives trying to recover our passwords or usernames. Or change them, since they may have been compromised by some unknown ghost of access…..

and a blurb from my love letter to Yarrow:

Yarrow, your tea and ferment can ground and chill us out, and oh isn’t that an especially needed support these days, when screens and vehicles have us scattering our energy all over the place. If we are beer makers, let us call on your herb in place of hops. Combine you with some Heather (Calluna vulgaris) and Alehoof (Glechoma hederacea) and make a brew. The taste is bitter, pungent, unforgettable, just like your smell. Your bitter tea can do us good, relaxing our digestive tract and helping us assimilate well the nutrients of our food. If we distill you, you yield an azure oil that is just out of this world gorgeous! You make a great spray for keeping our skin well-balanced.

I first learned about you as medicine while in my twenties, from my older friend going through menopause, when we took a walk and she gathered your flower heads. I asked her what she was going to do with you, and she said she was cramping and bleeding heavily and that your tea would ease that discomfort. Back in her kitchen, I tried this tea, and I did not like the taste one iota! It was unfamiliar, weird, strong. But over time, I found I craved your flavor, and now seek out your flowering tops to steep in my own kitchen for all sort of purposes. Bitterness comes in many flavors and degrees, and you taught me to welcome that kind of medicine.

The rest can be found here.