Only in my Dreams + Mugwort


In early spring, I like to eat your baby leaves, so tender and tasty! Another new growth happens this time of year, around the autumnal equinox, and I nibble these too, putting them in salads. For medicinal use, I harvest you in different stages-  just your young leaves and then again later in the season when you are budding, collecting your flowering tops before they bloom. I have no experience using your root yet, but I know you yield medicine within that part of you, too.

I will pluck you fresh and put that sprig under my pillow, calling in your superpowers of dream enhancement. It is uncanny how many times I have received premonitions upon awakening after doing this, that soon come to pass. The stories say you are a dream herb, a plant for heightening our intuition, a guiding ally, and I have found this to be so very true. Thank you, Dreamwort!

I remember making a pillow of you shortly after we met, and sleeping with that for months. It supported me in being attuned to my divinity. You carry moon energy, helping us recall the Mysteries. At my New Moon fire circle, we drink your infusion and sing out, and howl with the coyotes. You bring out the wildness in us, and I love love you for it, Mugwort!

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